Vintage 2011 ****
The climatic conditions we experienced in 2011 presented us with considerable challenges. That is because especially in the case of wines produced in years characterized by extreme weather conditions, the points in time of harvesting is of utmost importance and must be decided on by each vineyard individually.
After an extraordinarily warm and dry April and a summery May, there followed a June with average temperatures and considerable percipitation. The very mild spring resulted in sprouting about a week earlier than usual.
"As a consequence of the ideal autumn weather, too, this vintage can be regarded as 'good' to 'very good'," according to enologist Rudi Kofler.

White wines
Even the unusually hot weeks of August shortly before the beginning of the harvest envinced no adverse effects: The loss of acidity and aroma was compensated for by the rather cool June. Thus, one can look forward to especially dense and balanced white wines.

Red wines
The red wines are robust, with intense colors and undeniable amoothness.